Meet the Pemba Team – Patrick Papanikolaou

15th September 2022
Patrick P LI Image - Meet the Pemba Team - Patrick Papanikolaou

Nic Badings

Patrick Papanikolaou

It has been an absolute delight to have Patrick be part of our team these past few months, Patrick came to us via AimBig Employment who have been placing people with a disability in work for over 20 years.

If you could have dinner with any three people in the world (past or present), who would they be and why?

My first choice would be Henry Cavill because we could talk about acting, our favourite books and what it was like for him to play Superman among other things. My second choice would be Chuck Dixon because he’s my favourite comic book writer and we could discuss comic books, movies and our favourite characters. Last but not least, my third choice would be James Earl Jones, so we could talk about his role voicing Darth Vader and his thoughts on pop culture at large.

Your knowledge of comic books is very impressive, so who would you pick between Marvel and DC and why?

If I had to choose between the two it would be DC because their characters are more iconic and interesting. However, I will give Marvel credit for getting their characters right on film, whereas for the last decade, DC has really struggled in that area. That being said, DC gets it right in their comics and animations as well as television sometimes.

What are your top three movies and why?

My top three movies are the original Star Wars film from 1977, Hot Fuzz and Inception.

Star Wars is my first choice because not only did it launch a franchise that’s been around for 45 years, but it also revolutionised cinema and presented audiences with a fast-paced and compelling story about a young farm boy who took his first steps into a larger world. My second choice would be the film Hot Fuzz because it’s an exceptionally entertaining buddy-cop film as well as a hilarious comedy. My third choice is the film Inception, because I believe it is Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece which has great action, a layered story and overall great performances from its cast.

What has been the best part of working at Pemba these last few months?

In simple terms, the best part of working at Pemba has been doing tasks for my colleagues, getting to know them and just doing my part in this job which brings a real sense of satisfaction and the feeling that I’ve achieved something. It’s also given me a sense of responsibility and purpose these last few months which has been an enjoyable experience.

Book recommendation:

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey. It’s a great book because he talks about his life, spending time in Australia and his acting career among other things. For anyone looking for a good non-fiction read it’s certainly worth picking up from your local bookstore.

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