International Women’s Day

8th March 2024
IWD Breakfast - International Women's Day

Cailin McEntee


Recently, I was fortunate enough to host Pemba Capital Partners‘ inaugural International Women’s Day celebration. The discussion was led by a panel of inspirational women: Dr Lili Sussman, Samantha Devlin, Kate Munnings, and Pip Marlow, each sharing their experiences of vulnerability and inclusion.

Below are some of the many quotes that resonated deeply with our founder community:

“In the pursuit of progress, we must fight forward and not back. Not focused on what ‘I’ went through but what we want for others in the future.”

“There are so many stories of women walking the tightrope. One side being too aggressive, too ambitious, and too hard versus too soft and not respected. It is impossible to walk.”

“Unconscious bias resides in me, as a leader and as a follower. I acknowledge the need to pay more attention, to be curious, and actively listen to the lived experiences of others.”

“Fail fast, frequently, and frugally. People who don’t fail often struggle to recover from it. People are not often afraid of failing but are afraid of the consequences. A good culture mitigates the fear of consequences and fosters recovery.”

“Rephrase setbacks to ‘I win’ or ‘I learn’. Never ‘I lose.'”

“Love is your ability to connect and care with other humans, and when we start to care about the suffering and the joy that connects us all – it gives us strength and purpose.”

“Get curious and ask questions. We need more brave and vulnerable leaders.”

“Physical and psychological safety must go hand in hand, allowing women to walk freely and participate in communities without fear. It’s time to move from being allies to activists, taking action to create a world that’s safer and more inclusive for everyone.”

“Taking risks and investing in leadership at the grassroots level are critical steps towards creating a more diverse and resilient future.”

Let’s carry these insights forward, driving positive change and fostering an inclusive and authentic environment.

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